Thursday, 13 November 2014

That's not my Rocket ship, it's too.....

This week we moved onto even bigger texture activities - a textured moon outside (hopefully some of you spotted it hanging up!)
We drew our own rockets, stars and comets

In Butterflies we even wrote our own rocket book!
On Tuesday we joined in with Remembrance Day by making our own poppies.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Zoom Zoom Zoom
We're going to the moon
Zoom Zoom Zoom
We'll get there very soon
Climb aboard our rocket ship
And we'll get there very quick
Zoom Zoom Zoom
We're going to the moon
Our theme has been Space.
 We made firework pictures using pipettes to squirt the paint onto our paper. It helped us develop our fine motor skills.
 We read a story called Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy. We re-enacted the story with props.
 We counted down from 5 to 0, saying one less each time as we sang our favourite space song - 5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer.

 We went on a shape treasure hunt, finding shapes hidden around our classroom and matching them to the right poster.
We made textured space planets with different materials - "Bumpy Planet", "Scatchy Planet", "Soft Planet" and "Crinkly Planet"

This week we are continuing our space theme as the children have enjoyed it so much!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Shapes, shapes, everywhere!

Today, Butterflies class started learning about 3d shapes.  We went on a shape hunt around the school to see which shapes we could find...

We found lots of cylinders.

Some cuboids high up the air!

And even some cones!

I wonder if you can find any 3d shapes at home?

Monday, 3 November 2014

Autumn in Early Years
Conker rolling to make wonderful pictures!
Scientific Enquiry in Early Years
 How far can you make your conker roll? How can we measure that?
Why do some conkers roll further than others? What we can we change to make our conker roll further?
                  We listened to The Bear Hunt story. We retold it using instruments for sound effects.
We explored how different objects make different sounds such as rice, conkers, lentils and fir cones. We asked why they made different sounds and how we could change the sounds they made. The children suggested that feathers wouldn't make a sound because they were "soft and fluffy". 
We used what we found out to make choices for our own shakers which we had lots of fun playing in rhythm to our favourite songs and rhymes.
We explored making different sounds with our voices too.