Thursday, 21 May 2015

Let's Investigate...

This week in the Foundation Stage we have become Investigators!

Some of us have been dressing up as Policemen and investigating mysteries. We have thought about the different technology that Police use, such as walkie-talkies and flashing lights.

We have had a workshop with real screwdrivers for the children to explore our broken machinery: a PC, a hairdryer, a monitor. How do these things work?

What can we investigate with the mirrors? We have been looking carefully at our own faces and features, talking about what makes us different and what makes us special. What is the same about you and your family? What is different?

In Literacy we have been thinking about the names of letters and the sounds they make. Butterflies have been looking carefully at capital letters and matching them with the lower case letters. Caterpillars have been learning to recognise the sounds s, a and t and thinking about the sounds these letters make. We have been watching this song.

Thank you to all parents and carers who have been thinking about investigation with their children at home and returned wow moments and questionnaires.

We wish you an exciting and restful half term and look forward to seeing you again in June!

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Time to Tumble!

The children have been doing a great job working on their gymnastics skills in PE this half term.  The school have introduced gymnastics badges, and Mrs Ledger is very proud to say that we have two children who have already achieved their bronze level award.  We have another two children who are only one aspect away from getting their bronze badge as well.  Wow!!

To get the bronze badge children have to complete a:
. Log roll
. Pencil jump
. Jump with a bent knee landing
. Base balance (for 3 seconds)
. Point balance (for 3 seconds)

We've also been working hard on our bunny hops, jumping, climbing and rolling skills.  EVERYONE has made great progress with their forward rolls, here are some pictures of the children in action.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Trying out our green fingers!

Another busy week in Foundation stage!
Both Nursery and Reception enjoyed a trip to the Garden Centre on Tuesday - which also included a trip on the bus which the children seemed to think was very exciting!  We had a great time looking at all the plants and vegetables, thinking about how we grow them and what we have to do to make sure they grow well.  We enjoyed trying to name the more unusual ones whilst some of the children tried to work out what the various garden tools were used for.
Thank you very much to the parent helpers who made it possible.

Back in class we are watching our caterpillars (the real ones!) grow and talking about how they might change.

If any children have been growing things at home we would love to see pictures or some writing about how that's going!

In maths the Butterflies are learning how we use number lines or hundred squares to count on when adding - Our friendly alien, Bob appreciated their help in helping him count the sweets in his sweet jar which he was finding tricky..!

We have also been looking at CAPITAL LETTERS and singing the alphabet this week to help us learn our letter names.  Why not try at home with the grown ups to spell out your own and your family's names?

** Apologies for the lack of photos in this post  - They will hopefully be added next week! **