Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Goodbye and Farewell!

What a fantastic year we've had with your lovely children. They have grown up so much and we have had such fun teaching them. Its been a wonderful year and an absolute pleasure! You have been such supportive parents and we really appreciate all your input.

Here are some memories from our year in Nursery.












Thank you so much for your gifts and cards. We are overwhelmed with your kindness and generosity!

Have a  wonderful holiday and all our very best wishes for Reception!

Mrs Page and Mrs Ivory

Monday, 10 July 2017

Celebrations and Congratulations!

The children have been very busy as they approach their last few weeks in Nursery. From Sports Day to Sharing Assembly through to Buddy Time, we have been so impressed with your children.

They had a fantastic Sports Day and we were so proud of them for the way they joined in, cheered each other on and had lots of fun.  Thank you Mums and Dads and family & friends for coming to support us, and to all of you who showed us your sporting prowess in our Teddy Bear/Hat race!

We have had a super time getting to know our buddies and sharing stories under the trees. Tomorrow  (Tuesday) we are sharing the cakes we made with them to say thank you.

The children did an amazing job in our sharing assembly. Well done Nursery and Reception!

In maths we have enjoyed making 3D shape towers and talking about cubes, spheres, cones and pyramids as well as their properties - how many faces, edges and corners.


We played the pom pom game - using tweezers to see how many pom poms we could take in one colour while our friend took a different colour. Who had the most? Who had the least? Can you write your pom pom tray as a number sentence?

We used our pom poms to find the right amount to match our number. Tweezers are vey good for our fine motor development.

We have been looking after the lettuces and radishes we planted from seeds.
We were very excited to pick our vegetables, wash them and eat them!



 Thank you to everyone who came to share their child's learning journal. After the children's Reception teachers have had a chance to look through them next term, they will be yours to keep.



Goodbye land lubbers from our band of cheery pirates until next time!