Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Festival of Lights

What a busy week we've had in Nursery.

We have been learning about Diwali, the festival of lights.

We listened to the story of Rama and Sita. We made masks to retell the story.
We dressed up in special clothes.

We will be making Diwali sweets later in the week to remember the gifts that Hindus give each other at this special time.

We heard how Rama and Sita used candles in little holders called Divas. We made our own divas using clay and sang a song called This Little Light of Mine while we watched Mrs Page light our candles. It was very beautiful. We knew we had to sit very still as lit candles can be dangerous, and we must NEVER light a candle ourselves.
We are playing games like eye spy in phonics, thinking about what sound our names and our friend's names begin with. Why not try to play at home with your family?

We played a fun game matching letters to those in our names.


 In busy fingers we rolled the right number of play dough balls for our number then counted them, splatting each one as we went, so we knew that we had counted all the balls.


Next week is half term. After this we will continue to think about light and dark by exploring the themes of fire works and space.

Have a wonderful holiday!


Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Colour Magic

This week we are continuing to explore our Autumn theme.
This week is also science week and we explored colour and how to change colours.

We went on an Autumn Treasure Hunt and found lots of autumnal items including different coloured leaves and acorns.

We chose a coloured leaf and made a laminated collage, using lots of other similar coloured items.

We sorted vehicles of different colours and talked about our choices.

We went on a colour hunt and found coloured strips around the classroom, then placed them on the right poster, naming colours and talking about what other things were the same colour.

We explored what happens when we mix two colours. We used our new colours to paint animals from this week's text Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle.

In the play dough we made number cookies by pressing numicon into the play dough and counting how many bumps it had left.

In the house we painted letters and shapes on the wall.

Next week we will be thinking about the festival Diwali and after half term, light and dark, as well as fireworks.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Seasonal Changes


This week, we are exploring what changes we can see now that it is Autumn.

We have listened to the story Bear Hunt and added our own verses using autumnal objects:

We're going on a bear hunt, We're going to catch a big one
What a beautiful day!
We're not scared.
Uh oh! Conkers! Smooth rolling conkers.
We can't go over them, we can't go under them
Oh no! We have to go through them!
Whoosh! Whoosh!
Whoosh! Whoosh!

What new verses could you add?
We retold the story in our sensory tray using natural autumnal objects to add sound effects.

We will shortly go on a autumn treasure hunt and will make art using our treasure. Perhaps you could find some autumn treasure while out walking with your family and share it with us.

We've been using natural objects to count.

We made Autumn happen in our parachute games - tossing the autumn leaves so they tumbled around.

We have been having lots of fun developing our finger strength in our busy finger activities.


 We celebrated French day by singing Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French, taking a virtual trip to Paris and tasting croissants.  

Next week is Science week. Mrs Hardie, our Science Co-ordinator will be sending home some fun science activities you could try at home with your family.

Have lots of fun!