Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Sports day

 Under the sea
We have been exploring the theme Under the Sea. We made a large collage of under the sea and made seaside pictures using sand, bubble printing, leaves and other materials to create a beach environment.  

Our buddies came to visit us again and took our ideas for the stories they are writing for us.  

Our caterpillars have arrived and we are very interested in watching them move, and can't wait to see them turn into butterflies.

"I can run faster than a gingerbread man."

This week we have had our EYFS sports day. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. The children were fantastic sports and did their very best in all the activities. Well done Nursery - you were absolutely great and we are so proud of you all.





Well done to the Mums and Dads who raced too!
  We had a lovely picnic in the Early Years garden with our families and friends.

What a lovely morning! Thank you all for coming.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Sports Day Update


Please note that the Early Years Sports Day is Wednesday 27th June not Tuesday 26th June as mentioned on the previous blog (now updated). Apologies for any confusion.

We're all going on a summer holiday!!

This week we have been thinking about the summer holidays. We made flags to top our sand castles, role played buying and making ice creams and have made our own post cards showing our families what we like about the beach. We read a story called Lucy and Tom at the Seaside by Shirley Hughes which told us all about a day at the seaside. Perhaps you could look at your photo albums with your child and talk about your holidays together.

We are starting to  think of our transition into Reception class and have met our Year 5 buddies who shared stories with us. They will be helping us in our first few weeks of Reception to settle into having lunches in the hall and out on the playground. In the coming weeks we shall continue to share time with them to get to know them better and have fun with them. Don't forget the New to Reception Parents meeting at 6pm in the hall tomorrow evening (21st June) to find out about what your child's Reception year will look like.

We have been invited to listen to music and hear different instruments. Last week we explored the cello, double bass, viola and violin. The double bass was bigger than the children. This week we clapped rhythms and marched to the drums. We all had a turn to play the drums too - it was very loud!! Photos to follow!

 We have also been finishing our topic on mini beasts.

Matching numbers and counting dots.
 Image result for how many bugs in abox
How many bugs in a box?  We read the book then counted how many bugs could fit in different sized boxes.


 We designed our own bugs then painted our designs onto stones. Then we used our work to make a group composition which you will be able to see in the Reception office area. When the stones are varnished they will come home.


 Making 3 letter words with our magnetic letters and writing the words too!


We will continue our summer holidays theme next week.
Don't forget we have our Early Years Teddy Bear's picnic and sports session on Wednesday 27th June at 1030, weather permitting. Please come along and watch us participate in a variety of activities and come dressed to join in the Parents and Carers races too! Please can your child come dressed in comfortable running clothes on Tuesday instead of their school uniform.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Mini beasts galore!

This week and last week our theme has been mini beasts.

We have been engaged in all sorts of activities round our topic and working on skills of observational drawing, research, using language to describe our experiences and doing bugs maths, among other learning opportunities.

Feeding the tennis ball bugs with lots of yummy buttons - this helps our fine motor skills.


Making fact files about our favourite mini beast.

Finding mini beasts in the sand and talking about how many legs they have

Sorting information and fiction books, talking about why they are different.
Counting the spots on our lady birds

Making a lego mazes to run our hex bugs through and thinking about how we can get the hex bugs to move round the mazes taking different routes

Observing and touching the snails and using our language skills to describe what we see and feel.