Wednesday, 4 May 2016


This term we have been exploring growth in living things including ourselves and plants.

We have read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and this has inspired us to build our own castle kitchen in the role play area. We have looked at different plants and found different ways to measure them, for example using tape measures, rulers and stacks of cubes.


Butterflies have planted their own beans and are watching to see how they grow and change over time.

This week, we have been reading "Handa's Surprise" - there is a link to the video version here. We have been learning the names of the different fruit in the story, and talking about how and why fruit and vegetables are good for us. Butterflies have been writing poems about fruit using their senses.

Caterpillars talked about what they already knew about healthy eating and then we talked about how we could find out even more by looking on the computer, for example by looking at the child-friendly site Kiddle. Are sausages and bacon healthy? How could we find out?

In Maths, Butterflies have been learning about doubling and Caterpillars have been learning about how many we would have if we had one more.

Next week: we will be continuing to explore healthy foods and to support this we will be reading "Oliver's Fruit Salad". Butterflies will be exploring halving and Caterpillars will continue to look at 'one more'. In literacy Caterpillars will be listening to the initial sounds in words. Butterflies will be learning how to write instructions.