Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Here comes the sun...

It doesnt seem possible, but here we are appraching the end of term!
We have been spending time in our new classrooms and talking about next year as well as thinking about what a great year we have had.

In Butterflies today we enjoyed our ice pops outside and talked about our year and freindships and made a friendship bracelet for a person in our class!

A few words from 'us grown-ups' in Butterflies...
It has been a pleasure to teach your children and we are so proud of them as we are sure you are.  They have grown up so much and done some fabulous learning. As a class it has been a so wonderful to see how they have made strong bonds of friendship that will no doubt last all their years at Sandridge.  We wish them a super summer holiday with lots of fun, laughter and smiles and wish them a great time in Year One.

Lastly a big thank you to the parents who helped us this year - volunteers, readers and those who helped with a whole vareiety of other jobs - we couldnt do it without you!
To all the parents we wish you a lovely break and would like to thank you for all your positive support this year.

Have fun!