Growing Vegetables
This week we have been exploring the theme of healthy choices. The children have had lots of hands on experience planting vegetable seeds which will hopefully grow ready to eat by July.
We have planted radishes, spinach, carrots and lettuce.
We have been tasting different salad ingredients and deciding which ones we wanted to use in our own salads. We talked to our friends about how the vegetables looked and tasted.
" crunchy" "tasty" "delicious" "yummy" "fresh"
We will be using fine motor skills of chopping, tearing, grating and slicing.
We will be sharing our salads with our Year 5 buddies.
We have been making marks to work to represent how many sweets were on the tray.
We used play dough to think about taking away and adding.
Next week we are thinking about mini beasts, we will go on a mini beast hunt, use language to describe what we find and focus on non fiction texts.
Just for your information Highfield Park in St Albans is holding a mini beast hunt for young children: