Thursday, 14 September 2017

Welcome to our Nursery!

What a busy start the children have had to the start of their Sandridge journey!

The children have explored the indoor and outdoor environment - building, making, imagining, creating, climbing, painting and lots more. Here are a few of our photos to show you the fun your children have been having.








At the same time as enjoying ourselves, the children have been adapting to the rules and routines at Nursery and learning about sharing, listening, lining up, how to sit at carpet time, how to wash our hands before snack, tidying up, taking turns, putting up our hands when we want to share our thoughts during whole group sessions, stopping when we hear the tambourine and making new friends.

Next week, as well as continuing to visit these skills, we will be exploring Shape. You could spot shapes with your child while around your home or out and about, naming them, finding two shapes the same or talking about whether they are straight or curved.

The over arching theme for this term is Ourselves & Our Family - thinking about body parts, our similarities and differences, what we look like, what things we like doing and who is in our family.  

If you would like to help your child at home, you could look in a mirror together and talk about how your child looks like you and how they look different. Naming parts of the body and singing songs like Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes would help too.

Please could you send a photo of your child to school from a recent family event such as a birthday or special day out. This would really help open up a discussion with your child. We would also really appreciate a photo of who lives in your home too. This of course, may be the same photo. We will look after your photos and return them.

Thank you for your support. We have really enjoyed getting to know your children and are looking forward to a year of fun and learning!