Thursday, 30 November 2017

A Sticky Situation!

This week our text has been Stick Man by Julia Donaldson (author of The Gruffalo).
Image result for stickman book

We went on a treasure hunt to find the perfect stick. We used our sticks to make our own stick men in the making area and in the play dough area. We used our stick men to retell the story.



We read a book by Antoinette Portis called Not a Stick.
Image result for not a stick

We used our imaginations to think about what our sticks could be and the children came up with lots of great ideas. Then we used felt tips to incorporate our sticks into pictures.

In maths we have been singing counting, adding and taking away songs with props.
We made our own adding machine find out how many pom pom balls we would have altogether if we dropped some down one chute and our friend dropped some down another. We recorded our maths.


 We have been making temporary art inside natural picture frames and the children have been learning how to take photos themselves on the ipad, This has encouraged the children to make and take some wonderful pictures.


 We have been learning about making observational drawings and paying attention to fine details. We have been concentrating on using the correct pincer grip on our pens and add as much detail as we can.


A few photos form the end of last week - our handmade shakers to add rhythms to our favourite rhymes...

and photos from our retelling our own version of Peace at Last to Year 1, with sound effects!

For the next few weeks we will be focusing on Christmas - the Christmas story and how Christmas is celebrated. We will use our theme to teach all areas of learning.

We have a phonics workshop for all parents/carers on Wednesday 6th December at 9am. We would love for you to pop along so that we can share with you how we are teaching your children phonic skills.

Also to remind you that we have our Christmas Performance on Tuesday December 12th. We look forward to seeing you there. We would really appreciate it if Nursery children could bring white or yellow clothing in a named carrier bag by Friday 8th December so that we can make sure all our children are dressed for the part!

Many thanks