It's so exciting.. Christmas is nearly here!!
Early Years sang, danced and rocked out in their Christmas performance and we are really proud of them. Due to the snow day, they didn't have a chance for a dress rehearsal and even though they are so young, they were very brave and performed their best in front of such a large audience - well done to all of your children and to you for showing your support! Please watch this space for photos of the performance.
Our role play is now Santa's wrapping station. We can send and make cards, dress up like Santa and dress our Christmas tree.
Our text this week is Dear Santa by Rod Campbell
We made up our own version of the story by unwrapping different presents and talking about why each one wasn't quite right.
Blowing out the Christmas candle in the Christmas assembly.
Decorating biscuits to help us with our fine motor skills - they were very yummy to eat too!
Christmas jumper day!
Lunch club have lots of fun joining the whole school for a special lunch. We enjoyed pulling our crackers but our hats may have been a little too big...
We had great fun in the snow.