Yo ho ho!
This week we are pirates.
Our role play is pirate themed with dressing up clothes, pirate ships and a treasure chest of pirate goodies, plus lots of writing opportunities to make 'wanted' posters.
Meet our motely crew!
Our buddies helped us make pirate flags and we've loved making pirate hats too.
This week has been really busy. We met Kieran who played his bass guitar for us. He played different notes - deep, medium and high. We used the voices of the 3 bears to identify what pitch the sounds were. Then we kept rhythm and danced to his music.
Most of our butterflies have hatched and we have been really interested in watching them. We will release them as soon as the last one has emerged.
Those of us who are going to Reception in September spent some time with our new friends and our new teacher Mrs Hardie.
Next week we will continue with our pirate theme and getting ready for our transition to Reception.