Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Fee Fi Fo Fum...

Welcome back!
We have been super excited at the beginning of this term because our Early Years rooms have had a revamp. There has been new flooring and the walls have been repainted. We have resigned the rooms and added some new furniture. The children have been loving the changes. This term our topic is Growth. This week our text is Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been using this book as the focus for our learning.
We have learned what plants need to grow and have planted our own beans. We are looking forward to watching them grow.

On our play dough table and in our messy play tray, we have been sowing seeds and 'planting' flowers.

We have used our maths skills to make beanstalk number lines with missing numbers.

We have been watching tadpoles and frogspawn and will be watching how they change and grow.  

We have been lucky to have some beautiful sunshine and the weather is set to get even better. Please make sure your child comes to school in sun cream and with a named sun hat as we play indoors and out and want the children to be safe. Children who don't have a sun hat will be asked to play indoors while it is hot outside to make sure they don't get sun burn. Children can find it upsetting to be unable to play with their friends in the outdoor space so please make sure your child is sun ready.  We also request that the children bring in a named water bottle. Many thanks!

Please also remember that milk should be ordered online.

Next week we continue with our Jack and the Beanstalk theme.