Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!!

At the end of last week, the children celebrated Sports Relief by coming to school in their own sports clothes and participating in a series of sports challenges in the hall. A great time was had by all!




This week, the children have enjoyed learning all about Easter. The children have learned about Easter traditions such as egg decorating and rolling and eating hot cross buns and Easter eggs.

We have been learning that in Spring, there is new life like lambs, bunny rabbits, calves, butterflies and chicks. 

Look at us in our Easter bonnets looking fabulous. We wore our hats around the school on an Easter parade to show the other children.
We went on an Easter egg hunt in our outdoor area, hunting for numbered eggs and swapped our filled in egg sheets for a real chocolate egg.


We have made our family an Easter card, making a marbled effect by using our fine motor skills to squeeze pipettes of powder paint onto our paper and blowing the paints with a straw.

After the Easter break, we will be thinking about life cycles including frogs and butterflies. We will be thinking about healthy eating and fresh vegetables, as well as focusing on Jack and the Beanstalk as our text.
Image result for jack and the beanstalk

Have a wonderful relaxing holiday and we look forward to seeing you again after the holidays.