Wednesday, 29 March 2017

What an Egg- citing Egg-cellent Easter Egg-stravaganza!

Wow! What a busy week Nursery have had!

The children have been engaging in all sorts of fun activities to learn about how Easter is celebrated.

We have decorated eggs to hang onto our Easter tree, using marks such as stripes, spots, zigzags and dots.

We had an Egg rolling competition to see whose egg rolled the furthest. We thought about fair testing and where everyone had to start rolling their egg to make it fair.

We tasted an Easter egg and thought about why it reminded us of Easter.

We thought about new life such as chicks, lambs, new plants and tadpoles which are all starting to grow at this time of year.

Observing changes in the tadpoles.                       "Planting flowers" in the sand.


We went on an Easter Egg hunt around the outdoor area, finding all the numbered eggs.

Last week we celebrated Red Nose Day and wore red clothes to school. 

We were AMAZING in our Early Years Talent show - well done to everyone! What confident performances!

We will be taking in all the school reading books on Thursday 30th March and send out new ones after the Easter Break.

Nursery will be attending the Easter Assembly on Thursday 30th March in the hall and parents are welcome.

After the break, we will be learning about life cycles. Our book for the first week back will be Jack and The Beanstalk and we will be planting beans.

Have a wonderful Easter break and a lovely rest!

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Spring Nature Walk

This week we have been thinking about signs of spring. We had lots of fun on our spring treasure hunt, playing nature detectives. We found daffodils, bluebells, blossom, catkins, leaf buds, daisies, mole mounds and heard the song of the birds. What signs of spring can you find on your walks?






We have used the natural spring objects we found to make collages.

We have been examining frog spawn and talking about the changes we can see.

In our maths, we made an addition machine, rolling balls of two different colours and counting all of them to see how many there would be. We have also used pegs to pick up pipe cleaner "worms" to feed to the birds, counting how many we had used.  

Our role play is now a baby clinic, as we are thinking of new life. We have used weighing scales and tape measures to make sure our babies are healthy as well as writing prescriptions. We have fed our babies and looked after them, making sure they are fit and well.

Next week we will be thinking about Easter and how and why it is celebrated. 

Monday, 20 March 2017

Run, run as fast as you can...

Last week the children have enjoyed exploring ideas from the story The Gingerbread Man.

We made puppets to help us retell the story and remember the repeated chants.

We thought about why the characters in the book acted the way they did and how they would feel. We thought about how we would catch a gingerbread man and the children had lots of ideas.

"Catch him in a net!"  "Make a dragger machine!"  "Dig a hole."

We used the large blocks with pictures from the story, to help retell the tale of The Gingerbread Man.

We designed our own gingerbread man, deciding how we wanted to decorate him and what we would need. We drew our designs on paper then used our designs to make sure our gingerbread men looked just the same.

We have also done lots of counting buttons on the gingerbread man, matching the buttons to the dice spots and making an addition machine by rolling balls of two different colours into a basket and finding out the total by counting both sets of balls altogether.

This week we are thinking about Spring and the changes we can see. We will being going on a Spring walk in the grounds of the school and spotting signs that the weather is changing. You could talk to your child about what signs of Spring they can see as they walk to school or the park, and if you would like, your child could bring in some photos about what they have seen.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Once upon a was World Book day!

The children had a fantastic time last week during World Book Day. Thank you for all your hard work dressing the children up, reading with your children and to everyone who bought in book swap books. All the children received books to take home including a new Book Start book which we hope you will enjoy!

 This week we have been learning the story of the 3 Billy Goats Gruff. We have engaged in lots of activities to help us learn about story structure, help us with our fine motor skills, join in with repeated refrains and enjoy listening to stories read out loud.

Making masks 


Making story maps

Retelling the story with the blocks and puppets

We have loved our first session on the large apparatus learning how to jump safely.

We have been using the scales to measure and using language like Heavy, heavier and heaviest, light, lighter and lightest.