Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Once upon a was World Book day!

The children had a fantastic time last week during World Book Day. Thank you for all your hard work dressing the children up, reading with your children and to everyone who bought in book swap books. All the children received books to take home including a new Book Start book which we hope you will enjoy!

 This week we have been learning the story of the 3 Billy Goats Gruff. We have engaged in lots of activities to help us learn about story structure, help us with our fine motor skills, join in with repeated refrains and enjoy listening to stories read out loud.

Making masks 


Making story maps

Retelling the story with the blocks and puppets

We have loved our first session on the large apparatus learning how to jump safely.

We have been using the scales to measure and using language like Heavy, heavier and heaviest, light, lighter and lightest.