Wednesday, 29 March 2017

What an Egg- citing Egg-cellent Easter Egg-stravaganza!

Wow! What a busy week Nursery have had!

The children have been engaging in all sorts of fun activities to learn about how Easter is celebrated.

We have decorated eggs to hang onto our Easter tree, using marks such as stripes, spots, zigzags and dots.

We had an Egg rolling competition to see whose egg rolled the furthest. We thought about fair testing and where everyone had to start rolling their egg to make it fair.

We tasted an Easter egg and thought about why it reminded us of Easter.

We thought about new life such as chicks, lambs, new plants and tadpoles which are all starting to grow at this time of year.

Observing changes in the tadpoles.                       "Planting flowers" in the sand.


We went on an Easter Egg hunt around the outdoor area, finding all the numbered eggs.

Last week we celebrated Red Nose Day and wore red clothes to school. 

We were AMAZING in our Early Years Talent show - well done to everyone! What confident performances!

We will be taking in all the school reading books on Thursday 30th March and send out new ones after the Easter Break.

Nursery will be attending the Easter Assembly on Thursday 30th March in the hall and parents are welcome.

After the break, we will be learning about life cycles. Our book for the first week back will be Jack and The Beanstalk and we will be planting beans.

Have a wonderful Easter break and a lovely rest!